LAP-274LI - IBM THINKPAD 600 10.8v 4400 mAh LION Replacement Battery by BatteryTex

No longer available.

Replacement for:IBM
Battery Model:THINKPAD 600


Battery Specifications and Description

Replacement for: IBM    Battery/Item: LAP-274LI
Model/Product: THINKPAD 600    Volts: 10.8
mAh or Ah: 4400    Composition: LION
Dimension:     Connector:

If you're looking for powerful Laptop - Desktop Batteries then the THINKPAD 600 IBM replacement is an excellent choice. Only the best materials are used in the THINKPAD 600. As well it has been designed and built to meet or outshine the original specs by IBM. Whether its selection, quality or our great discount prices you'll find that BatteryTex is the ultimate battery source. Whether its selection, quality or our great discount prices you'll find that BatteryTex is the ultimate battery source. If you require further info or would like to save with bulk pricing discounts - call one of our team members now - 1-888-825-6661. If you want to find more Laptop - Desktop Batteries batteries for your gear? click here! See more great products by manufacturer: IBM With better materials and manufacturing processes batteries have become smaller, more efficient and more affordable. Manufacturers supply the necessary warranties on batteries that we carry. Typical warranties are for 1 year while others change depending on the battery type and the maker.