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Price: $28.49

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For a strong and lasting battery replacement the VX-406 by OLYMPUS is built to last and be there when you need it. The VX-406 is made from the ground-up with first-rate materials. Plus the original specs set forth by OLYMPUS are met or exceeded. Only the best batteries at the best prices: With thousands of batteries to choose from and extremely low prices you'll see why BatteryTex is your one-stop-shop for replacement batteries. Call our battery technicians for more detailed information and for bulk discounts: 1-888-825-6661 Looking for more Camcorder Batteries batteries? Click here. Check out more great items for OLYMPUS products. Using updated materials, manufacturing techniques and modern technology today's batteries provide greater benefits from increased life-spans to decreased costs. Need battery warranty information? Call us today with the battery part number you're needing. CAM-UN20NMH